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How To Add Your Certificate On LinkedIn

By Yeshua Quijano | Last Updated June 30, 2021

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how to upload your certificate on linkedin

Early in the development of this course we offered a LinkedIn Badge which we actually made a design with:

LinkedIn Badge

Unfortunately, we just realized that you can only add either a certificate or a badge on your LinkedIn profile. So, we're sticking with just the certificate to show off your achievement, at least for now. 🙁

Step 1: Download your certificate.

If you passed the Final Assessment and send us the screenshot of your score, we will send your Certificate of Completion, usually on the next day.

certificate of completion email

Step 2: Go to LinkedIn and Upload the Certificate

Step 2.1: Go to your profile

Go to your LinkedIn profile. Click the "Me" menu which is located on the upper-right corner of your screen. 

Then, click "View Profile".

LinkedIn view profile

Step 2.2: Go to the Licenses & certifications section

Once you're on your profile, scroll down to the Licenses & certifications section. Then click the plus icon to add another certificate. 

linkedin add certificate and license

Step 2.3: Fill in the required details.

linkedin certification details

Step 2.3.1: Name

For the Name, just enter "Z2SH: The Complete SEO Training Course". Then, just add either "Basic" or "Advanced", depending on the course you took. The course version can be seen on your certificate. 

"Z2SH" means Zero To SEO Hero.

Step 2.3.2: Issuing Organization

For the Issuing Organization, just search for SEO Training Philippines. We have a company profile in LinkedIn so make sure to select that.

Tick the "This credential does not expired button".

Step 2.3.3: Issue Date

For the Issue Date, just enter the date you received the certificate in your email.

Step 2.3.4: Credential ID

For the Credential ID, take a look at the certificate's URL:

linkedin credential ID

Notice the string after COC? That's your Credential ID. This is a randomly generated number so each Certificate of Completion is unique.

Copy and paste this string to the Credential ID section.

Step 2.3.5: Credential URL

Just copy and paste the entire URL for your Credential URL.

Don't forget to click Save.

Step 3: Done!

Congratulations, your certificate can now be viewed on your LinkedIn Profile.

linkedin final certficate

This can greatly increase your chances of getting contacted by recruitment agents or companies themselves.

SEO Training Philippines uses credible sources, our own internal testing results, as well as our experience as SEO Specialists to validate the information in our articles. Read our editorial process to understand how we ensure the accuracy, dependability, and integrity of our content.

Yeshua Quijano

Yesh is the founder owner of SEO Training Philippines. He is an award-winning Digital Marketing Consultant with almost a decade of experience in building, growing, and selling digital businesses.